var body = document.body; body.className += " u-body u-overlap u-xl-mode"; += " "; var dataBg = ''; if (dataBg) { body.setAttribute('data-bg', dataBg); } jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { "use strict"; $('body').umbg({ 'mediaPlayerType': 'YouTube', // YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Wistia, HTML5 or HTML5Video or HTML5 Video, HTML5 Audio or HTML5Audio or Audio, Image, or Color. 'mediaId': 'GbYFRWFVnvI', // For YouTube, Vimeo, etc., enter the video id. For HTML5 enter the location and video filename. For images enter the URL location seperated by a comma for multiple images. 'mediaLink': '', // URL link to send users if they click on media background. 'mediaLinkTarget': '_blank', // '_self' or '_blank'. Specify a window where the mediaLink is loaded. 'mediaPoster': '', // URL location of video poster to display for mobile devices or if video does not play. 'mediaPosterCss': 'umbg-mobile-poster', // CSS class to use on mobile devices for the video poster image. 'mediaOverlay': 1, // 0= no overlay, 1= use overlay. 'mediaOverlayCss': 'umbg-overlay-transparent', // CSS class to use for the overlay. See UMBG's CSS file for all available options. 'mediaOverlayColor': 'rgba(204,204,204,0.1)', // Color of the overlay. 'videoQuality': 'default', // Forces HD quality video play. Default auto selects the appropriate playback quality. //=> YouTube Quality = default, small, medium, large, hd720, hd1080, or highres. //=> Vimeo Quality: default or auto, 4K, 2K, 1080p, 720p, 540p, or 360p. //=> Dailymotion Quality: auto, 240, 380, 480, 720, 1080, 1440, or 2160. //=> Wistia Quality: auto, sd-only, md, hd-only. 'wistiaDoNotTrack': 0, // 0=false 1=true. For Wistia video's only (When true, it will not track views). 'slideShowDuration': 6000, // Duration each image will be displayed in milliseconds. 'slideShowEffect': 'random', // 'random', 'zoomIn', 'zoomOut', 'panLeft', 'panRight', 'panUp', 'panDown', 'fade'. 'slideShowTransitionDuration': 0, // Duration of fade between slides in milliseconds. 'slideShowEasing': 'linear', // ease, linear, ease-in, ease-out, ease-in-out. 'autoPlay': 1, 'startAt': 0.5, // Where to start the video in seconds. 'endAt': 0, // Where to end the video in seconds. 'delayBy': 0, // Enter the time to delay displaying the background in milliseconds. 'loop': 1, // 0=no, 1=yes. Loop the media play. 'rewindToStartAt': 0, // If no looping then do we reload/rewind the media to the beginning. 'mediaStartFadeIn': 0, // 0 = no, 1 = yes. When playback starts fade-in the media background. 'mediaEndFadeOut': 1, // 0 = no, 1 = yes. When playback ends fade-out the media background. 'audio': 1, // 0 = no audio, 1 = video plays with audio and volume button is display. 'startAudioMuted':1, // 0 = no, 1 = yes. When enable(yes) the media will start with the audio muted. 'volumeLevel':100, // Choose 0-100, 0 = no volume (mute), 100 = video plays with audio at 100% volume. 'displayControls': 0, // 0=no, 1=yes. 'placeControls': 'umbg-br', // umbg-br = bottom right, umbg-bl = bottom left, umbg-tr = top right, umbg-tl = top left. 'controlColor': 'rgba(255,255,255,0.8)', // Color for the control icons. 'controlBgColor': 'rgba(39,173,211,0.7)', // Color for the control background. 'enableScrollToTopButton':1, // 0 = no, 1 = yes. Display scroll-to-top button in the controls panel. 'pud': 1, // Use Page-Up-Down (PUD) 0=no, 1=yes. 'pudElement': '.container', // The HTML element to use for PUD feature. 'pudDown': 0, // Start playback with PUD on down position. 'pudUp': 1, // PUD will automatically go up when media playback ends or first loop ends. 'pudShow': 0, // Amount of page to show in pixels when pud is down position. 'fio': 1, // Use Fade-In-Out (FIO) 0=no, 1=yes. 'fioElement': '#page', // The HTML element to use for FIO feature. 'fioOpacity':0.5, // Amount of opacity level to use with FIO. 'fioStart': 0, // Start playback with the FIO opacity. 'fioEnd': 1, // End playback with opacity set to 1. 'enlargeBy': '0', // Use to enlarge the media player size by percent number, i.e. to hide Vimeo & YouTube player controls, ads, etc. 'mediaAspectRatio': 16 / 9, // The media's aspect ratio, i.e. 16:9 = 16 / 9, 4:3 = 4 / 3, etc. 'pageVisibilityPause': 1, // Pause the video if browser page is not the visible one. 'disableOnMobileAll': 0, // 0=no, 1=yes. Disable playback of all backgrounds on mobile devices. 'disableOnMobileVideoOnly': 0, // 0=no, 1=yes. Disable playback of video and audio backgrounds on all mobile devices. 'disableOnMobilePhonesOnly': 0, // 0=no, 1=yes. Disable playback on mobile phones only. Will play on tablets. 'onPlaybackStart': function () { }, // Callback method trigger when playback initially begins. Don't use alert box as it causes playback issues. 'onPlaybackPlay': function () { }, // Callback method trigger when playback starts to play. Don't use alert box as it causes playback issues. 'onPlaybackPause': function () { }, // Callback method trigger when playback is pause. Don't use alert box as it causes playback issues. 'onPlaybackEnd': function () { } // Callback method trigger when playback ends. Don't use alert box as it causes playback issues. }); }); jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { "use strict"; $('body').umbg({ 'mediaPlayerType': 'YouTube', // YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Wistia, HTML5 or HTML5Video or HTML5 Video, HTML5 Audio or HTML5Audio or Audio, Image, or Color. 'mediaId': 'VAjFnk4WaGc', // For YouTube, Vimeo, etc., enter the video id. For HTML5 enter the location and video filename. For images enter the URL location seperated by a comma for multiple images. 'mediaLink': '', // URL link to send users if they click on media background. 'mediaLinkTarget': '_blank', // '_self' or '_blank'. Specify a window where the mediaLink is loaded. 'mediaPoster': '', // URL location of video poster to display for mobile devices or if video does not play. 'mediaPosterCss': 'umbg-mobile-poster', // CSS class to use on mobile devices for the video poster image. 'mediaOverlay': 1, // 0= no overlay, 1= use overlay. 'mediaOverlayCss': 'umbg-overlay-transparent', // CSS class to use for the overlay. See UMBG's CSS file for all available options. 'mediaOverlayColor': 'rgba(204,204,204,0.1)', // Color of the overlay. 'videoQuality': 'default', // Forces HD quality video play. Default auto selects the appropriate playback quality. //=> YouTube Quality = default, small, medium, large, hd720, hd1080, or highres. //=> Vimeo Quality: default or auto, 4K, 2K, 1080p, 720p, 540p, or 360p. //=> Dailymotion Quality: auto, 240, 380, 480, 720, 1080, 1440, or 2160. //=> Wistia Quality: auto, sd-only, md, hd-only. 'wistiaDoNotTrack': 0, // 0=false 1=true. For Wistia video's only (When true, it will not track views). 'slideShowDuration': 6000, // Duration each image will be displayed in milliseconds. 'slideShowEffect': 'random', // 'random', 'zoomIn', 'zoomOut', 'panLeft', 'panRight', 'panUp', 'panDown', 'fade'. 'slideShowTransitionDuration': 0, // Duration of fade between slides in milliseconds. 'slideShowEasing': 'linear', // ease, linear, ease-in, ease-out, ease-in-out. 'autoPlay': 1, 'startAt': 0.5, // Where to start the video in seconds. 'endAt': 0, // Where to end the video in seconds. 'delayBy': 0, // Enter the time to delay displaying the background in milliseconds. 'loop': 1, // 0=no, 1=yes. Loop the media play. 'rewindToStartAt': 0, // If no looping then do we reload/rewind the media to the beginning. 'mediaStartFadeIn': 0, // 0 = no, 1 = yes. When playback starts fade-in the media background. 'mediaEndFadeOut': 1, // 0 = no, 1 = yes. When playback ends fade-out the media background. 'audio': 1, // 0 = no audio, 1 = video plays with audio and volume button is display. 'startAudioMuted':1, // 0 = no, 1 = yes. When enable(yes) the media will start with the audio muted. 'volumeLevel':100, // Choose 0-100, 0 = no volume (mute), 100 = video plays with audio at 100% volume. 'displayControls': 0, // 0=no, 1=yes. 'placeControls': 'umbg-br', // umbg-br = bottom right, umbg-bl = bottom left, umbg-tr = top right, umbg-tl = top left. 'controlColor': 'rgba(255,255,255,0.8)', // Color for the control icons. 'controlBgColor': 'rgba(39,173,211,0.7)', // Color for the control background. 'enableScrollToTopButton':1, // 0 = no, 1 = yes. Display scroll-to-top button in the controls panel. 'pud': 1, // Use Page-Up-Down (PUD) 0=no, 1=yes. 'pudElement': '.container', // The HTML element to use for PUD feature. 'pudDown': 0, // Start playback with PUD on down position. 'pudUp': 1, // PUD will automatically go up when media playback ends or first loop ends. 'pudShow': 0, // Amount of page to show in pixels when pud is down position. 'fio': 1, // Use Fade-In-Out (FIO) 0=no, 1=yes. 'fioElement': '#page', // The HTML element to use for FIO feature. 'fioOpacity':0.5, // Amount of opacity level to use with FIO. 'fioStart': 0, // Start playback with the FIO opacity. 'fioEnd': 1, // End playback with opacity set to 1. 'enlargeBy': '0', // Use to enlarge the media player size by percent number, i.e. to hide Vimeo & YouTube player controls, ads, etc. 'mediaAspectRatio': 16 / 9, // The media's aspect ratio, i.e. 16:9 = 16 / 9, 4:3 = 4 / 3, etc. 'pageVisibilityPause': 1, // Pause the video if browser page is not the visible one. 'disableOnMobileAll': 0, // 0=no, 1=yes. Disable playback of all backgrounds on mobile devices. 'disableOnMobileVideoOnly': 0, // 0=no, 1=yes. Disable playback of video and audio backgrounds on all mobile devices. 'disableOnMobilePhonesOnly': 0, // 0=no, 1=yes. Disable playback on mobile phones only. Will play on tablets. 'onPlaybackStart': function () { }, // Callback method trigger when playback initially begins. Don't use alert box as it causes playback issues. 'onPlaybackPlay': function () { }, // Callback method trigger when playback starts to play. Don't use alert box as it causes playback issues. 'onPlaybackPause': function () { }, // Callback method trigger when playback is pause. Don't use alert box as it causes playback issues. 'onPlaybackEnd': function () { } // Callback method trigger when playback ends. Don't use alert box as it causes playback issues. }); }); 16